The African American Legacy Preaching Series of Christian Theological Seminary presents “A Conversation with Rev. Dr. Debra J. Mumford hosted by Rev. Dr. Courtney V. Buggs.” Dr. Debra Mumford is Dean of the Seminary and Frank H. Caldwell Professor of Homiletics at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. An ordained Baptist minister, Dr. Mumford is a skilled preaching scholar and practitioner. Her many publications include Exploring Prosperity Preaching: Biblical Health, Wealth, & Wisdom and Envisioning the Reign of God: Preaching for Tomorrow, both with Judson Press.

Christian Theological Seminary (CTS) is a fully accredited ecumenical seminary located in Indianapolis, IN, open to all, affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Its School of Theology and School of Counseling offer graduate and doctoral degrees, certificates, and lifelong learning programs. More than 30 denominations are represented among CTS faculty and students. Additional information about CTS is available at

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