
Download: A Litany For Children Slain By Violence and Traumatized By Those Called to “Protect and Serve” (2)

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Let us not speak of reconciliation without speaking of reparations and restoration, or how we can repair the breach and how we can restore the loss.

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Litany by Rev. Dr. Valerie Bridgeman Every year in the third week of October, people throughout the globe gather to commemorate the millions of lives lost in the conflict in the Congo while celebrating the country’s enormous human and natural potential. 1.) Film Screening FOTC’s short film (26 minutes) Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering the […]

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In this film, filmmaker Anika Gibbons ’13 takes a deeper look at the radical spirituality and scholarship within the lives of the founding mothers of Womanist theology and Womanist ethics. She focuses on their significance as African-American theology and history, and on the role played by Union in that founding.

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The 6th Annual C. Shelby Rooks Lecture was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Katie G. Cannon, entitled “Revolutionaries in Zion: The Gumption to Challenge Dominated Forms of Knowledge Acquisition and Religious Power”. This event was organized by the Center for the Study of Black Faith and Life at Chicago Theological Seminary.

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