The panel discussion explores the relationship between the Black Church and the community while highlighting ways to use burgeoning tech spaces to build equitable Black tech futures.

The panel discussion explores the relationship between the Black Church and the community while highlighting ways to use burgeoning tech spaces to build equitable Black tech futures.
In particular, the story of how three Black churches in Philadelphia endured events similar to those afflicting society today can give both solace and hope.
The Gift of Black Theological Education & Black Church Collaborative enhances the Historically Black Theological Institutions (HBTI) and the Black Church. The Black Church has been at the center of Black culture for more than 200 years, as well as one of the ways to combat systemic racism and other social ills. The HBTIs are founded […]
Free event at 7 p.m. EST Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021, features Princeton scholar Dr. Eddie S. Glaude
Not Yo Respectable Negro.💯✊🏿
Faith Compass WFU
Adams discussed her book and the work her soul must have with Katie Geneva Cannon Center for Womanist Leadership Director Melanie Jones.
KGCCWL Director Melanie Jones interviews Austin Miles, leading RVA painter, muralist, and graphic designer, who shares about the meaning-making behind her artistry celebrating Black women.