
July 13th marks the one year anniversary of the death of Sandra Bland, a 28-year-old black woman who was pulled over and accused of failing to use a turn signal. Bland was arrested and later found hanged in a jail cell in Waller County, Texas.

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The use of social media and the democratization of communication have provided opportunities for new and marginalized voices to be heard and amplified. . . . Might social media platforms provide new entry points for women to launch their ministries?

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By Jamye Wooten On Wednesday, February 3, 2016, DeRay Mckesson, a protester and Teach for America alum – who identifies himself as a Black Lives Matter activist, entered the crowded race for Mayor of Baltimore City. While I have been critical at times of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, overall I’ve been supportive.  I think it is […]

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Before we get down to sorting out how to reduce violence, I am suggesting that we must tackle a far more difficult question: Who, exactly, has the right to be violent?

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Another forty white men have killed themselves tonight

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By Jamye Wooten   “We lose ourselves when we compromise the very ideals that we fight to defend…And we honor those ideals by upholding them not when it is easy, but when it is hard.”-  Remarks by President Barack Obama at the Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize   PAKISTANI CHRISTIAN CHILDREN HOLD PORTRAITS OF […]

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By Jamye Wooten Social media networks have been ablaze this week following a recent announcement by President Obama. Black clergy who have been in a prophetic slumber since the election of the President have begun to speak out. On what you ask? Could it be the Presidents signing of the $662 billion National Defense Authorization Act, the […]

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