Dr. Randal Jelks talked about the role of African American ministers in politics.

Dr. Randal Jelks talked about the role of African American ministers in politics.
Opening Plenary of the 101st Annual Alumni Convocation at Howard School of Divinity School featuring Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas with responses by Rev Dr. Oscar Brown, Joseph Harris, Dr. Renee K. Harrison and Dr. Ron Hopson.
Dr. Melanie Harris speaks at the 2014 Religions for the Earth conference at Union Theological Seminary.
Rev. Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon, Annie Scales Rogers Professor of Christian Ethics, Union Presbyterian Seminary
Yale Divinity 2017-2018 Beecher lecturer is Allan Aubrey Boesak, who served as Desmond Tutu Chair of Peace, Global Justice, and Reconciliation Studies at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis from 2012 to 2017.
Celebrating the Ten-Year Anniversary of Obery Hendricks’ “The Politics of Jesus” November 19, 2016 American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting San Antonio, Texas Panelists: Eboni Marshall Turman, Yale University Jesse Jackson, Operation Push, Chicago, IL Nyasha Junior, Temple University Gary Dorrien, Columbia University, Union Theological Seminary Keri Day, Brite Divinity School Michael Eric Dyson, Georgetown […]
Kelly Brown Douglas examines the myths and narratives underlying a “stand-your-ground” culture, taking seriously the social as well as the theological questions raised by this and similar events, from Ferguson, Missouri to Staten Island, New York. – Union Theological Seminary
Rev. Osagyefo Sekou delivers a Candler Dean’s lecture titled “The Liberation Theology of Ferguson” on April 8, 2015.
The Forgotten Prophet: Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and the African American Prophetic Tradition, by Andre E. Johnson, is a study of the prophetic rhetoric of 19th century African Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop Henry McNeal Turner. By locating Turner within the African American prophetic tradition, Johnson examines how Bishop Turner adopted a prophetic persona. Book discussion […]