Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Oct 26 2018
- Time: 17:30 - 19:00
![QR Code](https://btpbase.org/wp-content/uploads/mec/qr_cee796e28afd5fddc8ff5a5cd8e06b1b.png)
Celebrating Black Women’s Spirituality Through Artistic and Sermonic Expressions
Ingenuity: Preaching as an Outsider –
By Lisa L. Thompson
Ingenuity introduces a theology and practice of preaching that emerges from the faith and wisdom of black women— equipping readers to negotiate tradition, life experiences, and theological conviction in the creative work that makes way for sacred speech. This book offers deep insights for anyone seeking to enlarge their understanding, their language, and their sense of lived experiences, and offers practical help for preaching. #newrelease #newbook #book #books #bookstagram #october #LisaThompson @unionseminary