Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Oct 27 2021
- Time: 13:00 - 15:00

The Sacred Task of Black Religion: Speaking Black truth to White power
The sacred task of Black religion – Speaking black truth to white power: Reassessing the legacy of James H. Cone
James H. Cone was an African American theologist and scholar who is widely considered to be the founder of Black liberation theology. His work focused on black power, looking at the role of religion and the preaching of a gospel which is based on white supremacy.
In this talk, Professor Anthony Reddie, Director of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Culture, will look at the role of religion within black communities and examine the legacy James H Cone left following his death in 2018. Himself a renowned theologist, Professor Reddie specialises in undertaking action research and works predominantly with poorer Black communities in the UK looking at racial justice and equality and seeking to explore how the Christian tradition can become more inclusive.