Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Nov 05 2018
- Time: 09:00 - 16:00

Womanist Biblical Hermeneutics: Theology and Praxis
2018 Annual Bible Conference
New York Theological Seminary was historically a space in which many of the early Womanist theologians shared their research and reflections on how the experiences of African American women relate to the construction and practice of theologies and ministries in the Christian tradition as well as other religious expressions. Recently, several biblical scholars have analyzed the history and practice of Womanist theology with relation to methods and sources for biblical hermeneutics. This conference presents some of their work as well as how Womanist hermeneutics has impacted ministry practices in religious education, youth ministry and social justice.
$30 Donation (lunch included)
Offered as a 2-credit course to NYTS students at the standard tuition rate and as a Continuing Education Unit.
Dr. Efrain Agosto, Professor
To register, please call Ms. Sontaia Briggs at (212) 870-1257
Payment in advance is preferred. Registration/payment downstairs will not be available.
Onsite registrations/payments can only be conducted by obtaining a pass at The Interchurch Center reception desk and visiting Suite 500.