Future generations, scholars, pastors, teachers, students, liberators, and many more will be blessed as we are, by the life and works of Dr. Gayraud Wilmore. He was a scholar, professor, pastor, prophet and friend.
Dr. Wilmore is a necessary presence in our liberation paradigm. His influence is practically beyond exaggeration. His writings, voice and presence always made a difference. He was a refreshing fountain in the desert of Eurocentric theological racism.
Dr. Wilmore demonstrated how one can be kind and strong, righteous and courageous, a compassionate thinker, and fearless leader.
As a Buffalo Soldier in a segregated U. S. military in World War II, he went on to become a global prophet of love, justice and truth. “Well done good and faithful” servant-leader, teacher, pastor, prophet and proclaimer of truth, called by God and now called to be with God eternally.
The Reverend Dr. Otis Moss, Jr. Pastor Emeritus Olivet Institutional Baptist Church Cleveland, Ohio IN HONOR OF DR. GAYRAUD STEPHEN WILMORE, PH.D. Writer, Historian, Educator, and Theologian
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