The Millennial Womanism Project (TMWP) Presents “Millennial Womanists To Watch”
A monthly profile highlighting emerging voices doing incredible work in ministry, the academy and in social justice work.
Name: Rev. Dr. Dominique A. Robinson
Age: 33
City: Atlanta, GA
TMWP: What does it mean to be a millennial woman of African descent in ministry?
Dominique A. Robinson: To be a millennial woman of African descent in ministry means to exist – by that I mean it is really all I know to do and be. It seems that the climate in which we find ourselves demands the clergyperson to be multi-vocational and hyper-inclusive; I think I embody and employ what it means to be both. I am the epitome of the Sankofa, having my faith formation sculpted by my grandmothers and engaging today’s archetypes, I am a bridge and translator for our time. To be a Black millennial woman means to be vulnerable, loving, forgiving, prepared, transparent, prayerful, prophetic, stylish and bold.
TMWP: Tell us about your work. What inspired you to do this work?
Dominique A. Robinson: My work is to express radical hospitality to young Black children and youth who do not feel like the Black Church is for them. I have been blessed to serve as a Children’s Youth & Young Adult Pastor for the past 15 years for seven congregations along the east coast ministering to persons between the ages of 0 and 34. I sought to find a theory to support my ministry practice(s) and came up short; as a result, through my doctoral work, I have birthed and curated the iHomileticä, a system of methods for preaching and teaching to Black millennials using social media linguistics and technology.
TMWP: How does your work expand traditional womanist epistemologies?
Dominique A. Robinson: My concepts are not brand new; they are rooted firmly in traditional Womanist epistemologies and tenets of Black homiletics. However, the use of social media and technology is what shifts my works scope and approaches from time-honored to contemporary. iHomileticä methods challenge its users to engage the virtual world in the preaching moment. This digital touch is where you invite Black millennials to engage your Gospel-telling as well as bring them in by weaving their “shares” into your sermon. Engaging this innovative approach, the contextualization of Black preaching and the “margins” widen extensively.
TMWP: What can we expect from you within the next year?
Dominique A. Robinson: Within the next year, I hope to host a series of online tutorials and face-to-face workshops for religious leaders who want to learn iHomileticä methodologies, paradigms, and pedagogies. I desire to have monthly tidbits offered on my new website to assist with ways in which we can reconnect Black millennials to the Black Church. Down the road, I would like to publish a manual for the layperson and leader to use in their contexts. And, prayerfully, there will be a course offered on a seminary level that will engage my work.
TMWP: How can people support your work?
Dominique A. Robinson: People can support can me and the iHomileticä in a myriad of ways. I would first ask for persons to pray for me and the work that God has placed into my hands – building as you work and discover your purpose requires fervent prayer. I love when persons share resources – articles, books, surveys, etc. – with me that allows me to deepen my research and broaden my lens. Amazon gift cards are of God! (lol) Persons can support the work by inviting me to share with their ministry context(s). Lastly, persons can show their support by purchasing iHomiletic swag items at
TMWP: Where can they go for more information and updates?
Dominique A. Robinson: People can visit me at for more information and updates. I can be reached by way of email at as well.
My social media information:
Twitter & IG: @dominiqueayesha
Millennial Womanism is an emerging concept developed by Liz S Alexander and Melanie C Jones that seeks to draw upon a unique womanist epistemological and methodological framework utilizing a millennial lens.

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