When Living in Community is as Rewarding as Learning in Community
Theological learning happens in community. Jesus taught the disciples in community, the early church grew and developed in community, and we study together today in community. From these models of community, we want to offer a new scholarship for fall 2021 applicants.
New, full-time applicants to our masters degree programs will be eligible for a limited number of “50/50” scholarships – scholarships that cover 50% of tuition and 50% of the cost of a residence hall room. The scholarship will enable students to live in our on-campus residence halls with other Garrett students, to experience a global community, and to study alongside our world-class faculty.
Living in residence creates a shared seminary experience where your academic, spiritual, and social life will be nurtured and Garrett’s residence halls are an ideal place to begin your theological journey. The residence halls provide affordable and secluded living in the center of the Northwestern University campus. Lake Michigan, public transportation, and downtown Evanston, affectionately called Heavanston, are all within walking distance. To learn more about them, and even take a tour, visit our website here.
Applicants can waive the application fee through April 30th using the code FIFTYFIFTY. Completed applications and supporting materials (references and transcripts) for this program must be received no later than April 30, 2021.
For more information, please reach out to our Admissions and Recruitment Office at getadmitted@garrett.edu.

Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, a graduate school of theology related to The United Methodist Church, was founded in 1853. Located on the campus of Northwestern University, the seminary serves more than 450 students from various denominations and cultural backgrounds, fostering an atmosphere of ecumenical interaction. Garrett-Evangelical creates bold leaders through master of divinity, master of arts, master of theological studies, doctor of philosophy, and doctor of ministry degrees. Its 4,500 living alumni serve church and society around the world.

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