On Black Lives Matter:
A Theological Statement from the Black Churches
Juneteenth 2020 [COVID]
On the occasion of this 155th observance of Juneteenth, the jubilant celebration of the ending of American legal chattel slavery, we, a collective of interdenominational Black pastors and Black theologians representing the prophetic tradition of Black churches in the United States of America, lift our voices to emphatically repudiate the evil beast of white racism, white supremacy, white superiority and its concomitant and abiding anti-Black violence. Although we have been temporarily severed from our respective chancels due to the global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the doors of the Black Church are still open as we congregate on one accord in the Spirit and by the power of a God of freedom, justice, and love, who was with us in the beginning (Jn.1:1)and has brought us this far by faith.
The Black Church was born as slave religion in the woods in spite of the American slavocracy and in resistance to the degradation of Black life by white arbiters of power. In opposition to the gods of white theology, namely, white power, white supremacy, and white capitalist acquisition that bought and sold the Black bodies of our forebears, the Black Church proclaimed by night as an invisible institution that Black lives matter to God. In light of this radical proclamation, it is not lost on us that the 45th administration of the United States of America has once again undertaken to desecrate Black life by planning to hold an incendiary rally this Juneteenth weekend in Tulsa, OK. Tulsa is significant for Black America because it is where Black Wall Street, a great symbol of Black economic self-determination, was organized by persons who fled the sacrilege of lynching, only to be burned to the ground by the ubiquity of white supremacist hate.
In this contemporary moment the Black Church will not stand silent in the face of the social, moral, and political failure of the 45th administration of this nation. The chief executive of the United States is a racist and sexist terrorist whose ignorance, gaslighting, dog whistles, and outright lies have fueled the flames of the anti-Black sentiment that is carved into the very foundations of the American experiment, and that has consistently simmered beneath the façade of this “city on a hill.” The state-sanctioned lynchings of Ahmaud Arbery in Glynn County, GA, Breonna Taylor in Louisville, KY, George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN, and Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta, GA, are merely the most recent additions to the red record of horror flagrantly visited upon African America.
The Black community has been regularly assaulted by the phalanx of white terrorism since our forced disembarkation on the shores of Jamestown in 1619. From the bombing of our churches – like the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL – to the torching of our homes; from the lynching of our children – may God bless the memory of Emmitt Till – to the massacring of our communities; from the assassination of our leaders to the pillaging of our economic prowess, Blacks have been subject to white violence for too long and we will not take it anymore! We have been demonized by obstinate pseudo-scientific theories that have asserted Black biological inferiority. We have been dehumanized by the persistent logics of enslavement that constitutionally cast us as three-fifths of a human being. We have been bestialized by the enduring logics of Jim Crow that slaughter us like dogs in the street; and we have been criminalized by the neoliberal logics of a new Jim Crow that builds prison cells based on third-grade reading levels in Black communities and that has in effect exchanged a white hood for a gold badge, a burning cross for a taser, a horse for a cruiser, and the noose for a gun. The incessant onslaught of anti-Black violence that is the progeny of white racist structural evil constitutes the very fabric of US society. The violent Negrophobic legacies of 1619 endure 400-years later in contemporary unjust environmental realities of everyday Black life that lend themselves to a higher prevalence of comorbidities in communities with sub-standard health care access. We are not confused. It is not by chance, but rather by relentless social structural design that Black people are disproportionately dying from COVID-19.
There is no doubt that the Black community is “troubled on every side;” that we are persecuted, and we are “cast down.” But we are not destroyed (II Cor. 4:8-9). As we stare down the barrel of this 21st century iteration of white racist demonarchy propelled by the grandsons and granddaughters of old Jim and Jane Crow; and while the adversary roams around (I Peter 5:8) guiding the insidious political machinations of the highest offices of the land, the Black Church holds fast to the theological vision and social witness of those who came before us on the long arc of the Black Freedom Movement to irrevocably contend that God, the Crucified One who was lynched on a tree at the hands of the Roman empire, is Black (Gal.3:13). Every time a Black person is executed under the bastardized authority of the state, God in Christ is crucified all over again. We, therefore, reject police brutality, militarism, and every form of state-sanctioned violence deployed under the banner of “law and order” that disproportionately targets and aims to ravage Black life.
Moreover, we contend that God is on the side of the oppressed (Luke 4:18). We reject the white Christ that propels so-called Christians into complicity with white supremacy and bad faith that separates justice from righteousness. We further reject the prevalence of the individualist gospel of white evangelicalism that aims toward the perfection of personal piety, and the prosperity gospel that asserts “manifest destiny” and capitalist acquisition as the will of God. We affirm God’s care and option for the poor, the prisoner, the infirm, the immigrant, and the persecuted. We, therefore, will engage direct action, political, economic, intellectual, and digital activisms, and our deep reserves of spiritual resolve to fight to the finish against all “powers, principalities, and spiritual wickedness in high places” that endeavor to jettison God’s concern for those who suffer. We will prevail for our faith tells us that “if God be for us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31).
We further assert that freedom is the superlative fundament of Black Christian faith (Jn. 8:36). We were free when we were kidnapped from the Mother Continent, and God wants us to be free now! We, therefore, affirm that Black freedom is always communal. We affirm that Black freedom requires the absence of any restraint that compromises one’s responsibility to God and all of creation. We reject notions of white freedom that are compelled by the value of American individualism and the pursuit of one’s own destiny without interference and without concern for the well-being of others.
In accordance with the spirit of the times, we, the under-signed Black pastors and Black theologians representing 400 Black churches in the United States of America, one for every year of our righteous discontent, finally and most passionately contend alongside our secular sisters and brothers in the struggle, that Black Lives Matter (Jn. 10:10). It is no secret that the Black Church has been imperfect in its approximation of this moral claim. Self-reflexively, Black Church commitments to the patriarchy, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia, class fragmentation, and Christian triumphalism indicate moral failure and a stronghold of anti-blackness in our own communities that compel us to despise ourselves and our mirror image in the world. We repent for our paradoxical defiance of the “Good News” that reveals a God in Christ whose radical Body does not conform to the status quo. We repent for the disposition of anti-Black self-loathing that is a direct consequence of hegemonic white supremacy in the modern world. We repent for how anti-Black self-loathing has bolstered our repudiation of and violence toward Black women, Black queer people, and Black non-Christian theisms (especially our African traditional, Black Muslim, and Black Jewish kindred), humanism, and atheism. Amidst the onslaught of a global pandemic and a white plague of violence whose bullets and blows do not discriminate according to the politics of gender, sexuality, and/or religious identity, we unequivocally affirm, that:
Black Lives Matter.
ALL Black Lives Matter
ALL BLACK Lives Matter.
With the help of God, who is our lynched brother, the Black Christ, we the Black Church, pledge our mind, body, treasure, and spirit to securing the welfare of the diversity of Black life, Black freedom, and Black joy, “by any means necessary.”
The Reverend Eboni Marshall Turman, Ph.D.
Yale University Divinity School, New Haven, CT
The Abyssinian Baptist Church, New York, NY
Gary V. Simpson, D.Min.
The Concord Baptist Church of Christ, Brooklyn, NY
Drew University Theological School, Madison, NJ
The Reverend Adolphus C. Lacey, Ph.D.
Bethany Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY.
The Reverend David K. Brawley
St. Paul Community Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY
The Reverend Tisha Dixon-Williams
First Baptist Church, Bridgehampton, NY
The Reverend Shaun Lee
Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY
The Reverend Andrew Wilkes
Double Love Experience Church, Brooklyn, NY
Pastor Gabby Cudjoe Wilkes
Double Love Experience Church, Brooklyn, NY
The Reverend Trevor Hyde
Berean Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY
The Reverend Clive Neal
Bedford Central Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, NY
The Reverend James Forbes
Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson
Deaconess Foundation, St. Louis, MO
Michael Eric Dyson
Georgetown University, Washington, DC
The Rev. Valerie Bridgeman, Ph.D.
WomanPreach! Inc., Delaware, OH
Minister Candace Y. Simpson
The Concord Baptist Church of Christ, Brooklyn, NY
The Rev. Shanell T. Smith, Ph.D.
Hartford Seminary, Hartford, CT
Rev. Dr. James Forbes
J. Alfred. Smith. Sr.
Allen Temple Baptist Church. Oakland, California
The Reverend Al Sharpton
National Action Network, Inc., New York, NY
Leonard C. McKinnis, PhD
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Rev. Dr. Edward Mulraine
Unity Baptist Tabernacle, Mt. Vernon NY
Prof. Anthea Butler
University of Pennsylvania
The Reverend Dr. J. Alfred Smith Jr.
Retired, Sacramento, CA
Michael Eric Dyson
Georgetown University, Washington, DC
The Reverend Trina A. Armstrong, PhD, LMFT
Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL
Chaplain Pamela Y Cook
Sojourner Truth Community, Fulton County, Georgia
Almeda Wright
Yale Divinity School, New Haven, CT
The Reverend Alisha Lola Jones, PhD
InSight Initiative
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
The Rev. Dr. Anthony Bennett
Mount Aery Baptist Church, Bridgeport, CT
Bishop Darren A. Ferguson
Bethel Baptist Church, Orange, NJ
Rev. Dr. Stephen G. Ray, Jr.
Chicago Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL
The Rev. Dr. Marcus D. Cosby
Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, Houston, Texas
Rev. Dr. Otis Moss, Jr. Pastor Emeritus
Olivet Institutional Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III
Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago, IL
Frederick Douglass Haynes, III
Friendship West Baptist Church, Dallas, TX
Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference
Donte Hickman
Southern Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD
The Reverend Ronell J. Howard
Christ United Methodist Church-Piscataway, NJ
The Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley
Alfred Street Baptist Church, Alexandria, VA
Bishop Leah D. Daughtry
The House of the Lord Churches, Washington, DC
Rev. Rashad Raymond Moore
First Baptist Church of Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York
Rev Dr Valerie Oliver Durrah
Neighborhood Technical Assistance Clinic, Brooklyn New York
Rev. Dr. Cheryl Townsend Gilkes
Colby College
Union Baptist Church, Cambridge, MA
Rev. Dr. Rosetta E. Ross
Spelman College Atlanta, Georgia
Willie Dwayne Francois III, D.Min.
Black Church Center for Justice & Equality
Rev. Althea Spencer Miller, Ph.D.,
Drew University Theological School, Madison NJ
Church of the Village United Methodist, New York, NY
Rev. Traci Blackmon
United Church of Christ, Cleveland, OH
Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson
Deaconess Foundation, St. Louis, MO
Rev. John F. Kenney
Third Baptist Church, Hampton, VA
Dr. Teresa Fry Brown
Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Prof. Vincent Lloyd
Villanova University, PA
Rev. Dr. Jeffery A. Gladney
Pastor Red Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church Tupelo, Ms.
Rev. Walter L. Parrish III, D.D.
Northside Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD
Rev. Akil Chaney
The House of the Lord Church, Beaver Falls, PA
Gennifer Brooks
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
Rev. Stephanie Buckhanon Crowder, Ph.D.
National Baptist and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Chicago, IL
The Rev. Kaji S. Dousa
Park Avenue Christian Church, co-chair, New Sanctuary Coalition
Emilie Townes
Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, TN
Rev. Dr. Teresa L. Smallwood, JD
Vanderbilt Divinity School
The Reverend Mark A. Wainwright
Good Tidings Baptist Church Baltimore, MD
The Reverend Quincy James Rineheart
Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA
Mark A. Miller
Drew University, Madison, NJ
Rev. Lawrence Edward Carter Sr., PhD
The Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel, Morehouse College
Rev. Dr. Jawanza Eric Clark
Manhattan College, Bronx, NY, Pan-African Orthodox Christian Church
Overseer Ardie B Shaw
New Calvary Life Church & Ministries, Baltimore, MD
Rev. Dr. Claudette C Rodney
The House of the Lord churches, Henrico, VA
Rev. AnneMarie Mingo, Ph.D.
Cultivating Courageous Resisters Penn State University, State College, PA
The Reverend Leslie Houseworth-Fields
The Mark Montclair, Montclair, NJ
Keri Day
Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ
Zuo Reeves
Soma 5 Justice Network, Washington DC
Rev. Dr. Maisha I. K. Handy
Rize Community Church, Atlanta, GA
Rev. Dr. Danielle L. Brown
Cathedral International, Perth Amboy, NJ
Rev. Racquel C.N. Gill
Clinton, SC
The Rev. Dr. Andrea C. White
Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY
Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant
New Birth Missionary Baptist Church Atlanta, GA
Rev. Jonathan R. Staples
First Shiloh Baptist Church, Buffalo, New York
Rev. Akeem Z. Walker, D.Min.
First Baptist Missionary Church of Powellsville, North Carolina
Candace Laughinghouse
Chicago Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL
The Reverend Elijah R. Zehyoue
Calvary Baptist Church, Washington, DC
Reverend Anita Wright
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Montclair, NJ
Rev. Adisa Chaney
The House of the Lord Church, Ypsilanti, MI
Micah L. McCreary, PhD
New Brunswick Theological Seminary, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Rev. Dr. Christopher Michael Jones
First Baptist Church of Hillside, Hillside, NJ
Rev. Akin O. Royall
Eastern Region Vice President at Large, Progressive National Baptist Convention
The Reverend Alisha Lola Jones, PhD
InSight Initiative, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Reverend Crystal White
New Hope Baptist Church, Metuchen, NJ
Bishop Timothy J. Clarke
First Church of God, Columbus Oh
Rev. Dr. Dawnique D. Daughtry
The House of the Lord, Bergen County, NJ
Rev. Dr. Willie James Jennings
Yale University Divinity School, New Haven, CT
The Reverend Melanie C. Jones
The Katie Geneva Cannon Center for Womanist Leadership
Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, VA
Carolyn M. Jones Medine
University of Georgia
Rev. Dr. Annette Jones
South Suburban Missionary Baptist Church, Harvey, IL
Minister LaKisha N. Williams
Antioch Baptist Church, Harlem
Dean Jonathan Lee Walton
Wake Forest University School of Divinity, Winston-Salem, NC
Rev. Dustin J. Pickett
University of Dayton, Dayton, OH
Toni Belin Ingram
Presiding Elder, Augusta North District, Georgia African Methodist Episcopal Church
The Rev. Dr. Lisa D. Jenkins
St. Matthew’s Baptist Church of Harlem, New York, NY
Rev. Marcia L. Williams
Mother Bethel AMEC; Philadelphia, PA
Rev. Nikia Smith
Robert Claremont School of Theology, Claremont, CA and First African Methodist Episcopal Church: Bethel, New York, NY
Dr Noel G L Hutchinson Jr.
Kingdom Fellowship Baptist Church, Memphis, TN Executive Mission Director, PNBC
Minister Tonya R. Bryan
Pneuma Consultants, NJ
Rev. Donna Owusu-Ansah
New Hope Baptist Church, Metuchen, NJ
Adam Clark
Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio
Alfonso L. Campbell III
Zion Baptist Church, Washington, DC
Rev. Dr. Karen S. Daughtry
The House of the Lord Church, Brooklyn, New York
Rev. Kimberly Quinn Johnson
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork
Rev. Andre L. Price
Mt. Olivet Tabernacle Baptist Church, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. Dr. Karen S. Daughtry
The House of the Lord Church, Brooklyn, New York
Rev. Gregory C. Ellison II, Ph.D.
Emory University (Assoc. Professor) & Fearless Dialogues (Founder), Atlanta, GA
Dr. Lance Watson
Saint Paul’s Baptist Church, Richmond, VA
Larry Camp
Bethlehem Baptist Church in Brooklyn NY
The Reverend Raymonda R. Speller
Community Congregational Church, Montgomery, AL
Minister Krystle C. Speller
Community Congregational Church, Montgomery, AL
Rev. Dr. Greta Barnes-Fowler
Gray’s Chapel AME Church Adairsville, GA
Rev. Earle J. Fisher, Ph.D. S
Abyssinian Baptist Church – Memphis, TN
Minister Devon Jerome Crawford
The William Monroe Trotter Collaborative for Social Justice
Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, MA
Dr. Jeffrey Haggray
American Baptist Home Mission Societies King of Prussia, PA
Rev. Dr. Vanessa M. Brown
Rivers of Living Water Ministries UCC/NY/NJ
Rev. Brad R. Braxton, Ph.D.
The Open Church, Baltimore, MD
Cynthia L. Hale
Ray of Hope Christian Church, Decatur, GA.
Rev. Chris Long
Incoming Assistant Minister The Community Church of New York City
The Reverend Cassius L. Rudolph
Saints’ Memorial Community Church, Willingboro, New Jersey
Rev. Jacqueline J. Nelson
Rochester, NY
Daryl Ward
Omega Baptist Church Dayton, OH
Dr. Colleen Birchett
The Riverside Church, New York, NY
Rev. Annettra Jones
St. Andrew United Methodist Church, West Lafayette, Indiana
Juan M. Floyd-Thomas Ph.D.
Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, TN
Black Religious Scholars Group, Inc.
Bishop Larry Donnell Leonard Sr.
New Covenant Churches International Fellowship Houston, TX
The Reverend Fred L. Sullivan, II
Bethlehem Baptist Church, Newark, NJ
The Rev. Kevin Lamár Peterman
Howard University /United Negro College Fund/ Shiloh Baptist Church of Washington, DC
The Reverend Antonia R Coleman
First Church of Deliverance Chicago, IL
Rev. Sharmaine Byrd
Greater Mt Carmel Cathedral & Worship Center, Brooklyn, NY
Rev. Jemicah Stephens, MDiv
Solid Foundation Inc. Louisville, KY
Rev. Nachia Woods, MDiv
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary – Louisville, KY
Rev. Kenneth N. Ngwa, PhD
Drew University Theological School, Madison NJ/ South Presbyterian Church, Yonkers NY
John Richard Bryant
African Methodist Episcopal Church, Baltimore, MD
James Turner Jr.
Upper Marlboro, MD
Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr.
Cathedral International, Perth Amboy, NJ
Rosalyn Regina Nichols, M.Div., D.Min.
Freedom’s Chapel Christian Church (DOC) Memphis, TN
Viisha P. Souza
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
The Reverend Dr. Roderick D. Belin
AMEC Publishing House Nashville, Tennessee
Obery M. Hendricks, Jr., PhD
Columbia University, NY, NY
Rev. Dr. Campbell B. Singleton, III
Union Baptist Church of Montclair, New Jersey
The Rev. Kevin Vandiver
Assistant to the Bishop, Metropolitan New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
D. Darrell Griffin, D.Min
Oakdale Covenant Church, Chicago, IL
Dr. Althea E. Greene
Senior Pastor, Real Life Ministries
Rev. A. Craig Dunn
The First Baptist Church of Madison, Madison, NJ
Reverend Monica A. Coleman, Ph.D.
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Rev. Amanda Weatherspoon
Unitarian Universalist Association
Rev. Dr. Irie Lynne Session
The Gathering, A Womanist Church, Dallas, Texas
Lisa Sharon Harper
President and Founder, Freedom Road, Washington DC
Rev. Dr. Sherryl Powell
Greater Turner Chapel AME Church, Atlanta, GA
Audrea Precious O’Bannon
Alfred Street Baptist Church Alexandria, VA
Rev. Kilen K. Gray, D.Min.
New Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Shelbyville, KY/
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
Arnold Batson
The Right Rev. Universal Tabernacle of Praise Harlem USA, NYC
Reverend Brandon Thomas Crowley, PhD
The Myrtle Baptist Church is West Newton, MA
Rev. Dr. Keith L. Campbell
Restoration Christian Ministries, Bronx, NY
Bishop James L Davis
Second District AME Church Washington DC
Rev. Jevon Caldwell-Gross
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Indianapolis, IN
Rev. Curtis. A. Jones
Philadelphia, PA
The Reverend Shonda Nicole Gladden
Good to the SOUL, Indianapolis, IN
Crossroads AME Church, Indianapolis, IN
Rev. Dr. Justin R. Holloway
First Baptist Church Chelsea, Memphis, TN
Rev. Dr. D. Anthony Everett
Church in The Circle, Cleveland, OH,
United Theological Seminary, Dayton, OH
Rev. Marsha Snulligan Haney, PhD
Presbyterian Church (USA), Decatur, GA
Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson
Deaconess Foundation, St. Louis, MO
Clifton Granby
Yale Divinity School, New Haven, CT
The Reverend Gregory J. Edwards, DMin.
Resurrected Life Community Church, UCC POWER,
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Rev. Thomas L. Bowen
Shiloh Baptist Church, Washington, DC
Rev. Joanne Noel, Ph.D
Rev. Dr. Randy L. Ware
Greater Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY
Rev./Hon. Wendell Griffen
New Millennium Church, Little Rock, AR
Rev. Delois Prince
Durham, NC
Rev. Tiffany Brooks
Reid Temple AMEC, Glenn dale, MD
Rev. Alice Greene
Shiloh Baptist Church Washington DC
The Rev. Emma Jordan-Simpson, DMin
The Concord Baptist Church of Christ, Brooklyn, NY
American Baptist Churches Metro
NY Fellowship of Reconciliation USA
Michael Kim-Eubanks
Bethel Community Presbyterian Church, San Leandro, CA
Rev. L.D. West
Drew University Theological School, Madison, NJ
Brandon Cox
Howard University School of Divinity
Carl F. Hunter II, M.Div.
Building Promise US Austin, TX
Rev. Cecil L Williams, Jr
St. John AME Church, Pine Bluff, AR
The Reverend Natalie P. Alford, Ed.D.
Natalie P. Alford Ministries, Inc., Bear, DE
Pastor Christopher Wesley
Senior Pastor Antioch Fellowship Church, Dallas, TX
Rev. Dr. Justin M. Shamell
Dayton, Ohio
Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr.
7th Episcopal District African Methodist Episcopal Church South Carolina
Paul Roberts
Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary, Atlanta, GA
Rev. Dr. David Grier Jr.
Calvary Baptist church Plainfield, NJ
The Reverend Darrell Macklin, D.Min.
Saint Paul Baptist Church Washington, DC
John Leland Theological Center Arlington, Virginia
Rev. Dr. David Grier Jr.
Calvary Baptist Church, Plainfield, NJ
Rev. Dr. Jacqueline A. Thompson
Allen Temple Baptist Church, Oakland, CA
Dr. Donique McIntosh
Southern New England Conference, UCC Hartford, CT
Kevin Johnson
Presbyterian Church (USA) Detroit, MI
Rev. Jason Carson Wilson, M. Div.
Bayard Rustin Liberation Initiative Washington, DC
University Church, Chicago, IL
Yolanda Pierce, PhD
Howard University School of Divinity
Rev. Nikia Smith
Robert Claremont School of Theology, Claremont, CA
First African Methodist Episcopal Church: Bethel, New York, NY
Rev. Joelynn T. Stokes, Esq.
Saunders & Allen AME Churches, Detroit, MI
Rev. Charles L. Gill, D.Min.
Pilgrim Baptist Church, St. Paul, MN
Rev. Anthony L. Trufant
Emmanuel Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY
Rev. Justin Wyatt
Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, Zanesville, Ohio
Rev. Kymberly E. McNair
Antioch Baptist Church, Bedford Hills, NY
Rev. Ben McBride
Rev. Tamika A. Holder
American Baptist Churches USA, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. Delman Coates, Ph.D.
Mt. Ennon Baptist Church, Clinton, MD
Rev. Dr. A. G. Miller
Oberlin House of the Lord Fellowship, Oberlin, OH
Floyd Thompkins
Justice and Peace Foundation San Francisco, California
The Rev. Michael Livingston
The Riverside Church, NYC, New York
Dr. Stacey Floyd-Thomas
Black Religious Scholars Group, Inc. Nashville, TN
Rev. Shane B. Scott
Macedonia Baptist Church, Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Anne E. Streaty Wimberly
Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, GA
Pastor Keith A Wyatt II
Calvary Missionary Baptist Church Zanesville Ohio
Rev. Dr. Drew G. I. Hart
Messiah College, PA
Carla Jones Brown
Arch Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA
The Rev. Dr. Alex Ellis
Abundant Life Family Worship Church, New Brunswick, NJ
Rev. Roland Whitley Jr.
Piney Grove AME Church, Raleigh, NC
Rev. Tamara O. Kersey, MDiv, MA
Wayman Chapel AME ,AME Western District
The Christian Recorder
Rev. John H. Gamble Jr.
Smyrna Missionary Baptist Church, Newark, NJ
The Rev. Erika Jackson-Essiem
Trinity Episcopal Church, Folsom, CA
Rev, Franklin A. Wilson Jr.
J Micah Clarke Project, Brooklyn, NY
Rev. Wm. Marcus Small, DMin, MSW
New Calvary Baptist Church, Norfolk , VA
John Thomas III
The Christian Recorder (AME Church), Nashville, TN
Rev. Dexter Henderson
St. Paul Community Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY
The Reverend Jerrolyn Eulinberg, Ph.D.
Greater Institutional African Methodist Episcopal Church Chicago, IL
Rev. John H Vaughn
Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta, Ga
Rev. Dr. Jesse T. Williams, Jr.
Convent Avenue Baptist Church, Harlem, NY
Reverend LaMont J. Johnson, Sr., Ph.D.
West Durham Baptist Church, Durham, NC
Shaw University, Raleigh, NC
Bishop Franklin L. Fountain
Fountain of Youth Cathedral, Bridgeport, CT
Rev. Theophous H. Reagans, Esq.
Allen Temple Baptist Church (Director of Global Ministries) Oakland, California
The Rev. Jonathan Michael Tennial
The Calvary Baptist Church of Chicago
Rev. John K. White
New Salem Baptist Church, Newark, NJ
Kirstie Engel
First UMC Lincoln, NE
Min. Linda R. Crump
Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, Zanesville Ohio
Rev. Dr. Kenneth I. Clarke, Sr.
Ithaca, NY
Rev. David F. Telfort
The Lafayette Ave. Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, NY
Dr. Eugene L. Gibson Jr.
Senior Pastor, The Place of the Outpouring, Memphis TN
Minister Richard A. Anderson M.Div.
Fountain Baptist Church, Summit, N.J
Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ
Rev. Jerry Sanders
Fountain Baptist Church, Summit, NJ
Rev. Vernon Williams
Fountain Baptist Church
Wallace Charles Smith, D.Min.
Shiloh Baptist Church – Washington DC
Elder Robin Eubanks, Ph.D.
Bethel Baptist Church, Orange, NJ
Rev. Dr. Willie Earl Wade Jr.
A.B.L.E. Ministries Orangeburg, SC
Rev. Emmett L. Dunn
Lott Carey Convention, MD
Rev. Dr. Jarvis J. Hanson
New Nazareth Missionary Baptist Church, Chicago, IL
Rev Brian Evans
First Baptist Church, Nutley, NJ
Dr. Sedgwick V. Easley
Union Baptist Church Hempstead, NY
Rev. Dr. James R. Flint, Jr.
Calvary Baptist Church, Chicago, IL
Pastor Kimberly Credit
Mount Zion Baptist Church, Boonton Township, NJ
Min. Michael Carpenter
The Way Christian Center, Berkeley, CA
Rev. Nicole Duncan-Smith
St. Paul Community Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY
Rev. Michele E. Watkins, Ph.D.
University of San Diego, San Diego, CA
Dr. Jeffrey Haggray
American Baptist Home Mission Societies, King of Prussia, PA
Rev. Gina M. Stewart
Christ Missionary Baptist Church, Memphis, TN
Andre Henry
Evangelicals for Social Action, Alhambra, CA
The Rev. Brian D. Scott, ThM
Union Baptist Church of Harlem New York, NY
Rev. Anika Wilson-Brown, Ph.D.
Union Temple Baptist Church, Washington, DC
Rev. Dr. John R. Faison, Sr.
Watson Grove Baptist Church, Nashville, TN
Rev Dr Courtney V. Buggs
Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN
Rev. Derrick L Rice, Sr. Pastor
Sankofa United Church of Christ, Atlanta, GA
Rev. Jerry M. Carter Jr., PhD
Calvary Baptist Church, Morristown, NJ
Rev Dr Carol Lynn Patterson
Setting the Captives Free Ministries, East Brunswick, NJ
Thomas D Johnson, Sr., D.Min.
Canaan Baptist Church of Christ, New York, NY
Rev. Dr. Dominique A. Robinson
Wiley College, Marshall, TX
Overseer Bryant Ali
New Psalmist Worship Center, Newark, NJ
Rev. Roger C. Williams
First Baptist Church of Glen Cove, NY
Bishop Sir Walter Mack
Union Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC
Pastor Adriel D Chaney
The House of the Lord Church, Philadelphia, PA
Pastor James Lorenzo Bradley
Indeed Transitional Outreach Ministry, Austin TX
Dr. LaTaunya M. Bynum
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Northern California-Nevada, San Ramon, CA
Rev. Dr. Cheryl B. Anderson
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL
Curlean Chaney
The House of the Lord Church Philadelphia, PA
New York State Progressive Baptist State Convention, Brooklyn, NY
Rev. Shane B. Scott
Macedonia Baptist Church, Los Angeles, CA
Bishop Victor Agee
New Vision Baptist Cathedral, East Orange, NJ
Jennifer Jones Austin
Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, New York, NY
Rev. Christina Davis, ThD, LMFT
Christian Theological Seminary Indianapolis, IN
Dr. Anthony Lowe
Mount Carmel Baptist Church, Bronx, NY
Rev. Herbert A. Brisbon, III
Dillard University, New Orleans, LA
St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Brooklyn, NY
Reverend Anita Wright
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Montclair, NJ
Rev. Raquel S. Lettsome, Ph.D.
RSL Ministries, Middletown, NY
Elder Yolanda Clarke
Ithaca, NY
Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.
Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Chicago, Illinois
Rev. Dr. Christopher Michael Jones
First Baptist Church of Hillside, Hillside, NJ
Faith Community of Saint Sabina, Chicago, IL
The Reverend Dr. Wayne E. Croft, Sr.
St. Paul’s Baptist Church, West Chester, PA
United Lutheran Seminary
Jeremiah A. Wright, Sr.
Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago, IL
Rev. Raquel S. Lettsome, Ph. D.
RSL Ministries, Middletown, NY
Rev. Dr. Alan V. Ragland
Emeritus, Third Baptist Church of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Rev. Dr. Zoleka Adams
Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. Bronx, New York
Rev. Tyrone Stevenson
Hope City Church, Brooklyn, NY
Sr./Prof. LaReine-Marie Mosely, SND
Notre Dame of Maryland University, Baltimore, MD
Rev. Russell T. Marquis
Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, Bronx, NY
The Reverend Brian C. Ellis-Gibbs
Pastor, Queens Baptist Church, Queens Village, NY
Rev. Dr. Zandra L. Jordan
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Rev Roland Whitley jr
Piney Grove AME Church Raleigh NC
Rev. John H. Gamble Jr.
Smyrna Missionary Baptist Church Newark, NJ
The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Stewart Pero, retired
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Rodney J. Lynch
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
The Reverend Brian C. Ellis-Gibbs
Queens Baptist Church, Queens Village, Queens, NY
Reverend Stephan Patrick McKinney, Ph.D
Greater Calvary Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Duane T. Kay
First Baptist Church, Inc., North Brentwood, MD
Dr. Rodney E Williams
King Solomon Baptist Church, Sibley, La
Gerard Jameson
United Methodist Church, New Jersey
Rev. Dr. Donald E. Dunnigan, Sr.
Cornerstone Fellowship Baptist Church, Wilmington, Delaware
Rev. Kelly U. Farrow, Ph.D
Circle of Sacred Fire, NY, NY
Matthew Freeman
Mt. Nebo CME Church Baldwyn, MS
Alamazie M. Warren “Zee”
Convent Avenue Baptist Church, New York, NY
Rev. Dr. Faye Banks Taylor
St. Mark’s Chapel AME Church, Kingston, NY
The Rev. Dr. Ebonie Cunningham Stringer
Penn State Berks, Reading, PA
Greater Shiloh Church of Easton, PA
Dr. Anthony Lowe
United Missionary Baptist Association of New York and Vicinity, Bronx, NY
Rev. Dr. Aidsand Wright-Riggins
New Baptist Covenant, Jacksonville, FL
Rev. Dr. Carl L. Washington, Jr.
Pastor – New Mount Zion Baptist Church, Harlem, USA
President – Empire Baptist Missionary’ Convention of New York, Inc.
The Rev. Kenyatta R. Gilbert, Ph.D.
Howard University School of Divinity, The Preaching Project
Reverend Maureen Baker-Jones
Trinity PCG, Paterson NJ
Henry A. Belin III, D. Min
First African Methodist Episcopal Bethel Church, New York, NY
Rev. Dr. Terry Richardson
First Baptist Church, South Orange, NJ
Rev Dr. Ambassador Suzan Johnson Cook
Hampton Ministers Conference
3rd US Ambassador for International Religious Freedom (Obama Admin), NYC
Rev. Marc Antoine Lavarin
Alfred Street Baptist Church, Alexandria VA
Rev. G. Maurice McRae, Jr.
Little Rock Baptist Church (Brownsville), Brooklyn, N.Y.
Rachelle Renee Green, Ph.D.
Fordham University, Bronx, NY
Rev. Dr. Arlene W. Gordon
Presbyterian Church (USA). Rio Vista, CA
Bishop Darryl S. Brister
Beacon Light International Baptist Cathedral New Orleans, La.
Rev. Dr. Arlene W. Gordon
Presbyterian Church (USA). Rio Vista, CA
The Rev. Dr. Charles D. Tinsley
West Cincinnati Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, OH
Rev. Kendal L. McBroom
Turners Chapel AME Church, High Point, NC
Ronald Edward Peters
Former President, Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, GA
Rev. Dr. Freddy J. Clark
Shalom Church (City of Peace), St. Louis, Missouri
Reverend Merchuria Chase Williams Ph.D
Shaw Temple A. M. E. Zion Church, Smyrna, Georgia
Rev. Dr. Reginald Blount
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL
Arnett Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago, IL
Curtis O. Robinson, Sr.
Faith Church, Oakland, CA
Nicole Williams
Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC
United Church of Christ
Rev. Reginald E. Boney, J.D.
Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC
NC Victory at Calvary Church, Durham, NC
Minister Devon Jerome Crawford
The William Monroe Trotter Collaborative for Social Justice
Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, MA.
Rev Dr. Terrence S. Keeling
Central Baptist Church, Wilmington, Delaware
Rev. Aundreia Alexander
National Council of Churches, Washington DC
Reverend Leslie D. Callahan, Ph.D.
St. Paul’s Baptist Church, Philadelphia PA
Pastor E. Chip Owens, M.Div
Transformation Church Atlanta, Conyers, GA
Rev. Tacuma and Dr. Michelle T. Johnson
A People of God, Jamestown, NC
Rev. Lillian Owens, M.Div.
Transformation Church-Atlanta, Conyers, GA
Rev. Yolanda D Brown
Imani’s Quest Ministries, NYC
Reverend Dr. Robert Charles Scott
St. Paul Baptist Church, Charlotte NC
Nathan Addo-Nartey
Ghana Calvary UMC, Verona NJ
Rev. Dr. William F. Baskerville, Jr.
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Passaic, N.J.
The Rev. Dr. Cassandra Gould
Missouri Faith Voices, St. Louis, MO
Rev. Althea Bailey
Brown Memorial Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY
The Rev. James R. Ephraim, Jr.
Sheppard and Lapsley Presbytery, Birmingham, Al
Reverend James H. Alexander
Sycamore Hill Missionary Baptist Church, Greenville, NC
Rev. W.B. Davidson D.Min
Roger Williams Baptist Church, Passaic, New Jersey
Pastor Michael McBride
The Way Church, Berkeley, CA
Black Church PAC
Rev Dr Daryl G Bloodsaw
Ebenezer Baptist Church West, Athens, GA
Rev Martisha Kanard-Dwyer Piscataway NJ
Rev Dr Kirkpatrick Cohall
Lenox Road Baptist Church
Derrick Williams
Purdue University
Rev. Don’Tavius Sanders
New Mt. Zion A.M.E Church, Wauchula, Florida
Jimmie R. Hawkins
Presbyterian Church (USA), Washington DC
Rev. Pamela Jones Horne
Bethel A.M.E. Church – Lafayette, Indiana
Reverend Eldren D. Morrison
Shaw Temple A.M.E. Zion Church, Atlanta, GA
Rev. Kevin VanHook, II
The Riverside Church in the City of New York
Bishop Dr Timothy Birkett Sr Pastor Founder Church Alive Community Church Inc
Cedric Hughes Jones, Jr.
Mount Zion Baptist Church, Philadelphia, PA
The Rev. Malcolm J. Byrd
Mother AME Zion Church, Harlem, NY
Rev Laurel Birkett
Women of Courage Mission, Bronx, NY
Rev. Dr. F. Bruce Williams
Bates Memorial Baptist Church Louisville, KY
Rev. Dr. L. Bernard Jakes
West Point Baptist Church, Chicago, IL
Felicia Y. Thomas
Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD
Rev Dr Carl L Washington, Sr
St. Timothy Baptist Church Baltimore, Md
The Reverend L. Christopher Lewis
Mt. Pleasant A.M.E. Zion Church
Rev. Dennis Dillon
Rev. Dr Elizabeth Butler
Church of New Beginnings
Rev. Shanea D. Leonard
National Associate for Gender & Racial Justice Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rev. Christina Davis, ThD, LMFT
Christian Theological Seminary Indianapolis, IN
Minister Requithelia E. Allen
Convent Avenue Baptist Church, New York, NY
Rev. Valerie Miles-Tribble Ph.D.
Graduate Theological Union – Berkeley School of Theology, CA
Rev.Dr. Elizabeth Butler
Church of New Beginnings, Brooklyn, N.Y.
The Rev. Judy Fentress-Williams, Ph.D.
Virginia Theological Seminary
Alfred Street Baptist Church, Alexandria VA
Rev. T. Denise Anderson
Presbyterian Mission Agency, Louisville, KY
Bishop Ayana Ajanaku-Vason , D.Min.
Ebenezer Christian Center Ministries, Brooklyn, New York
Rev. Prof. Quardricos Driskell
Beulah Baptist Church Alexandria, VA
Rev. Earl Jones Jr., M.Div
Morningstar Missionary Baptist Church, Jamaica, NY
Rev. Dr. Glenmore Bembry, Jr.
Trinity Baptist Church, Brooklyn, New York
DeCarto Draper
TMBC, Syracuse, NY
Rev. Jacqueline J. Nelson
Rochester, New York
Rev. Dr. Rodney S. Sadler, Jr.
Union Presbyterian Seminary
Gene Gisher
Park Hills Community Church/ LA, CA
Amey Victoria Adkins-Jones, Ph.D.
Boston College, Newton, MA
Bethany Baptist Church, Newark, NJ
The Rev. Timothy L. Adkins-Jones
Bethany Baptist Church, Newark, NJ
Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY
Rev. Dr. Rodney D. Robinson-Rogers
Christ of Calvary Covenant Church Ministries International, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. Kimani K. Wright
Ozzie E. Smith, Jr. Flossmoor, Il
Rev. Kent A. McHeard
Rev. Horace A. Hough
First Baptist Church, Milford, CT
Minister Nicole L. Williams
Durham, NC
Bishop Reginald T Jackson
AME Church, 6th District, GA
Rev. Gilbert Pickett, Sr.
Mount Horeb Baptist Church
Eastern Baptist Association, Corona, NY
Rev. Dr. F. Delano R. Benson, Jr.
The Antioch Baptist Church
St. Louis, MO
Dr. Robert A. Whitehead, Sr.
New Zion Baptist Church, Williamsburg, VA
Rev. Dr. David Mulbah Tokpah, Ed.D
New Covenant United Methodist Church, Hamilton NJ
The Reverend Dawrell G. Rich
Clair Memorial United Methodist Church, Jersey City, New Jersey
Garland F. Pierce
AME Church Christian Education Department
Rev. Joyce Dugger
First Congregational Church Rockaway Beach
William H. Lamar IV
Metropolitan AME Church Washington, DC
The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Stewart Pero, retired
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Rev. Moya Harris
Rev. Dr. Cheryl F. Dudley
American Baptist Churches of Metropolitan New York, New York, NY
Rev. Dr. Walter Silva Thompson, Jr.
Calvary Baptist Church, East Hampton, New Yark
Cedric Hughes Jones, Jr.
Mount Zion Baptist Church of Philadelphia, PA
Rev. Dr. Mark V. C. Taylor
Fred Allen
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church Wilmington, NC
Rev. James A Kilgore
Friendship Baptist Church, New York, NY
Dr. Daran H. Mitchell
Trinity A.M.E Zion Church Greensboro, NC
Rev Dr Jeanette Goodson
Rev. Kadia A. Edwards
American Baptist Home Mission Societies
Reverend Brandon Thomas Crowley, PhD
The Myrtle Baptist Church, West Newton, MA
Rev. Dr. Jerry Christian, Jr.
Russell Memorial C.M.E. Church, Durham, NC
Rev. L. British Hyrams
PCM NCCU, Durham, NC
Adam Clark
Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio
Dianne M. Stewart, Ph.D.
Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Rev. Ritney A Castine
Trinity AME Church Gonzales, LA
Rev. Dr. Alonzo T. Johnson
PCUSA Louisville, KY
Rev. Eric A. Thomas
Siloam Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, NY
Drew University, Madison, NJ
Rev. Traci C. West, PhD
Rev. James Parrish Smith
Rev. Dr. Amos C. Brown, Sr.
Third Baptist Church, San Francisco, CA
Reginald Porter Sr, D Min
Emeritus, Metropolitan Baptist Church, Memphis,TN
Reverend Adriene Thorne
First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY
Rev. Dr. D. Corrie Shull
Burnett Avenue Baptist Church, Louisville, KY
The Reverend Leonard Curry
Ashland Pastor in the Bluegrass District, Kentucky Annual Conference, AMEC
Rev. Patrick H. Young
First Baptist Church, East Elmhurst, NY
Rev. Raquel S. Lettsome, Ph. D.
RSL Ministries, Middletown, NY
Rev. Dr. Ronald L. Owens
New Hope Baptist Church of Metuchen, N.J.
The Rev. Dr. John Harris
Mount Paran Baptist Church, Philadelphia, PA
Andre Henry
Evangelicals for Social Action, Alhambra, CA
Rev. W. Antoni Sinkfield
Payne Chapel AME Church Nashville, TN
Rev. Dr. Michael L. W. Moore
Pastor Chenier A. Alston
New Israelite M.B.Church, Chicago, Illinois
The Rev. Ronald L. Owens, D.Min.
New Hope Baptist Church of Metuchen, New Jersey
Rev. Dr. Phaedra D. Blocker
Word& Wisdom
Rev. Dr. Marcia Y. Riggs
Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, GA
Rev. David F. Telfort
The Lafayette Ave Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, NY
Dr. Sedgwick V. Easley
Union Baptist Church Hempstead, NY
Rev Brandee Jasmine Mimitzraiem
Quinn Chapel AME Church, Lincoln, NE
Minister Sheena D. Rolle
St. Paul’s Baptist Church, Philadelphia, PA
Pastor Ezra L. Tillman Jr.
First Trinity Missionary Baptist Church, Flint, Michigan
Julie Hamilton
Dr. Jonnel Green
Rev. Perzavia Praylow, PhD
Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church, Washington D.C. 20009
Lukata Agyei Mjumbe
Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church. Princeton, NJ
Rev. Ashley DeTar Birt
Rutgers Presbyterian Church, New York, NY
Rev. Jeremy J. McCants, MDiv.
Allen Temple Baptist Church, Oakland, CA
Rev. Dr. Ralph M. Branch Jr.
The Rev. P. Kimberleigh Jordan, PhD
Drew University Theological School
Rev. La-Tonia Jackson, D.Min.
Convent Avenue Baptist Church, New York, NY
Reverend Davena Young Porter
Metropolitan Baptist Church
The Reverend Wendell H. Paris, Jr.
Mount Tabor Baptist Church of Miami; Miami, FL
Weldon McWilliams IV
Christ Temple Baptist Church, Paterson, NJ
Rev. Dr. Kenneth E Cox
Jordan Grove Baptist Church, Buffalo, New York
Rev. Andrew James
Columbia, MD
The Rev. James Perry
Bethany Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY
Rev. Yvonne Wallace
Rev. Dr. Jesse T. Williams, Jr.
Convent Avenue Baptist Church, Harlem, NY
Rev. David Peoples
Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.
The Rev. Linda Tarry-Chard
Rev. Dr. Monica L. Spencer
AME Church, Columbus, GA
Rev. Charles L. A. Watterson
UCC, TFAM, Queens, NY
Garrett Copeland
Kairos-Ebenezer A.M.E. Church
Minister Lucien Washington
UCC, TFAM, Queens, NY
Dr. Robert A. Whitehead, Sr.
New Zion Baptist Church, Williamsburg, VA
James Logan
Earlham College, Richmond Indiana
Rev. Dr. JoAnn L Hilton
St Mark Missionary Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Robert Linden
New York Progressive Baptist State Convention
Rev. Edward L. Wheeler, Ph, D.
Emeritus, Christian Theological Seminary
Interdenominational Theological Center, Retired
Rev. David F. Telfort
The Lafayette Ave Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, NY
Bishop Larry Camel
New Birth Missionary Baptist Cathedral
The Rev. Kimberly L. Detherage, Esq.
Saint Marks A. M. E. Church, Jackson Heights, NY
Rev. Kimberly D. Russaw, Ph.D.
Taurus Simpson
Rev. Dwayne D. Eason, M.Div
Church of the Good Shepherd Oakland, Ca.
Russ Jennings
“Love in a Dangerous Time” Podcast
Rev. Jeremiah Chester
St. Mark Baptist Church, Huntsville, AL
Elder Dwalunda Alexander
Marvin J Bentley
Antioch Baptist Church of Corona, New York
Rev. Reginald W. Williams, Jr., JD, D.Min
First Baptist Church of University Park, University Park, IL
Bishop Dempsey Allen
Jacob Ladder Ministries Saginaw, Mi
Reverend Charlene Hill
United Church of Christ, Chicago, IL
Rev. Veronica P. Palmer, D.Min.
The Reverend Melinda Weekes-Laidlow , Esq.
Beautiful Ventures, Atlanta Georgia
Rev Donald Odom, D. Min
Glover Memorial Baptist Church
Rev. Sekou Laidlow
Beautiful Ventures, Atlanta, GA
Evangelist Shirleen Odom
Glover Memorial Baptist Church
Pastor Anthony L. Riley
Central Church – Saint Louis
Rev. Dr Daryl G Bloodsaw
Ebenezer Baptist Church West, Athens, GA
Rev. Sheridan Todd Yeary, J.D., Ph.D.
Douglas Memorial Community Church, Baltimore, Maryland
The Rev. Kaji S. Dousa
Park Avenue Christian Church, New York, NY
New Sanctuary Coalition, New York, NY
Dr. Keith W. Byrd, Sr.
Zion Baptist Church, Washington, DC
The Rev. Dr. Chaz Howard
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Dr. Matilde Moros
Presbyterian Church, USA, Richmond, VA
Safe Haven United Church of Christ
Phillis Isabella Sheppard, Ph.D.
Divinity School-Vanderbilt University
Donyelle McCray
Yale Divinity School
Rev. Marvin J. Owens, Jr.
Michigan Park Christian Church, Washington, DC
Rev. Kris Watson, Esq.
Stephen Thurston II
Salem Baptist Church of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Rev. Seth Gaiters
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Rev. Daryl D. Moore
Vincent Rouse Sr.
Pleasant Grove Church, Newark, NJ
The Rev. Dr. Alex Ellis
Abundant Life Family Worship Church, New Brunswick, NJ
Rev. Narcisse (Cherie) Philips
Abundant Life Family Worship Church, New Brunswick, NJ
Marvin A. McMickle, Ph.D. (ret.)
Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, Rochester, NY
Antioch Baptist Church, Cleveland, OH,
Emeritus, Ashland Theological Seminary, OH
Rev. Donna Owusu-Ansah
New Hope Baptist Church, Metuchen, NJ
Rev. Dr. Roger L. Harris
Canaan Baptist Church of Christ, New York, NY
Rev. Dr. Kim W. Anderson
Chadwick Smith, M.Ed.
Grace United Methodist Church, Atlanta, GA
Rev. Marsha Lee-Watson
Canaan Baptist Church of Christ, Harlem, NY
Rev. Stephany Rose Spaulding, Ph.D.
Ebenezer Baptist Church, Colorado Springs, CO
The Reverend Lorena M. Parrish, Ph.D.
Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington D.C.
Rev. Dr. Michael L. W. Moore
Berean Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY
Women Who Minister, NY
Rev. Marsha Scipio, JD
The Rev. Dr. Lisa D. Jenkins
St. Matthew’s Baptist Church of Harlem, New York, NY
Reverend Kimberly Headley
Rev. Sheridan Todd Yeary, J.D., Ph.D.
Douglas Memorial Community Church, Baltimore, MD
The Rev. Dr. Marcus D. Cosby
Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, Houston, TX
Gwynne Burt
Rev. Bryson White
Fresno, California
Arthur Pressley, PhD
Drew University
Pastor Chenier A. Alston
New Israelite M.B. Church, Chicago, Illinois
The Reverend L. Christopher Lewis
Mt. Pleasant A.M.E. Zion Church
Rev. Dr. Keisha J. Agard
Rev. Lisa Williamson, MD
Calvary Fellowship AME Church Brooklyn, NY
Rev. Minnie Walker-Lobban
Rev. Dr. Sidney S. Williams, Jr.
Bishop Craig A. Worsham
Agape Church of Los Angeles
Rev. Mark G. Harden, PhD
The Gospel Initiative, Denver Seminary, Denver CO
Rev. Dr. Leslie D. Braxton, D. Min
New Beginnings Christian Fellowship, Kent, WA
Reverend E. Tyrone Pittman
Bethany Baptist Church of Brooklyn, New York
Rev. Tiffney L. Marley
Min. Whitney T. Franklin
Louisville, KY
Weldon McWilliams IV
Christ Temple Baptist Church, Paterson, NJ
Rev. Cecil L Williams, Jr
St. John AME Church, Pine Bluff, AR
Pastor Kimberly Credit
Mount Zion Baptist Church, Boonton Township, NJ
Rev. Dr. Cathy S. Gilliard
Park Avenue United Methodist Church, NY, NY
Rev. Dr. Alyne Waller
Enon. Tabernacle Baptist Church
Reverend Kenneth D. Cooper, D.Min
Rev. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr.
Covenant United Church of Christ, South Holland, IL
Rev. Dr. Sidney S. Williams, Jr.
Pastor Corey Johnson
Mount Sinai SDA Church
Bishop Ayana Ajanaku-Vason, D.Min
Ebenezer Christian Center Ministries, Brooklyn, New York
Rev. Daniel Dupree
Greater Universal Baptist Church, Bronx, NY
Bishop Henry A. Belin, Jr. (ret.)
AME Church
The Rev. Jacqueline J. Lewis, PhD
Middle Collegiate Church, New York, NY
Rev. Wakaki Thompson
Bethlehem Baptist Church, Spring House, PA
Pastor Evan Willis
Rev. LaTonya P. Nelson
Ebenezer Christian Center Ministries, Brooklyn, NY
Rev. Daryl. D. Moore
Rev. Ronald C. Thomas
Fountain Baptist Church, Summit, NJ
Rev. Laurent St. Clair Grosvenor
Rev. Donald L. Wright Jr., MDiv
Gethsemane Baptist Church, Baltimore MD
Rev. Ifeachor Potts
Kingdom Revelation, Gloversville, NY
Sharon Harden
Pillar College, Newark, NJ
Rev. Dr. Anthony R. Young
New Creation African Methodist Episcopal Church, Fort Washington, MD
Rev. Edward W. Smith
New Joy Missionary Baptist Church, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. Dr. G. Modele Clarke
New Progressive Baptist Church, Kingston NY
Rev. Kimberly Wright
Church of the Resurrection, Harlem, NY
Rev. DeVaughn Swanson, J.D.
Rev. Laurent St. Clair Grosvenor
Rev. Roger C. Williams
First Baptist Church Of Glen Cove, New York
Rev. Kathy Manis Findley
First Baptist Church of Christ, Macon, Georgia
Rev. Annettra Jones
St. Andrew United Methodist Church, West Lafayette, Indiana
Fred Jeff Smith
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Dr. Nichole Phillips
Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Demetria LeVel Jones-Smith
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, Baton Rouge, LA.
Rev. Dr. F. Bruce Williams
Bates Memorial Baptist Church Louisville, KY
Rev. Lisa Williamson MD
Calvary Fellowship AME Church Brooklyn, NY
Linda Wiggins-Chavis
Rev. Jay Gardner, D.Min
Philadelphia, PA
Rev. Aqueelah Ligonde
Long Island NY
Rev. Marsha L Mayes-Burton
Sonja Andrews
Atlanta, GA
Rev. Rodger J Harris
Mt. Hermon Bapist Church, Irvington, NJ
Rev. E. Scott Dixon
Rev. DaWanna Lopez
First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, Sparta, TN
Minister Kevin Taylor
Apostle Doctrine and Fellowship Ministries

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