Donald Trump

Dr. Cornel West is correct, “we are in the spiritual eclipse of decency, honesty and integrity” leaving our nation in the chaotic shadows of emboldened racism, ugly xenophobia, predatory patriarchy and unvarnished greed.”

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While Trump supporters chant “Make America Great Again,” there are millions of us that know just how terrifying – and misleading – that slogan is. This past Sunday, my pastor, the Rev. Dr. Otis Moss, III preached a powerful word to my congregation about of strength, fortitude, and hope.

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More than conversation on the scope of theological inquiry, what I think we have lost with the death of Dr. James Cone is a key model of rigorous engagement—a wrestling over ideas that didn’t truncate itself into personal animus and hurt feelings.

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Episcopal Divinity School at Union’s Reverend Kelly Brown Douglas discussed her recent piece in Sojourners magazine about the evolution of evangelicalism and white evangelical support of President Trump.

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The Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Social Action Commission of our Church demand not only a public apology but inclusive and “just” social and immigration policies.

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President Donald Trump is a terrorist.  His hateful and uninformed rhetoric and action have uncovered and emboldened a contemporary surge of racism. 

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