The Gift of Black Theological Education & Black Church Collaborative is anchored in an arc of transformation for communities and is designed to transform experiences through exploration, theological learning and conversation, and innovative thought.

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The Gift of Black Theological Education & Black Church Collaborative is anchored in an arc of transformation for communities and is designed to transform experiences through exploration, theological learning and conversation, and innovative thought.
Talk It Out!, hosted by Dr. Ralph Basui Watkins with special guests Reverend Billy Michael Honor and Dr. Kevin Murriel.
Building broad-based fusion coalitions as part of a moral movement to confront racial and economic inequality
Dr. Cornel West is correct, “we are in the spiritual eclipse of decency, honesty and integrity” leaving our nation in the chaotic shadows of emboldened racism, ugly xenophobia, predatory patriarchy and unvarnished greed.”
Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference Conversational Round Table discussion on Palestine, Biblical Israel and the Political Israel, Journeys to Justice with SDPC Trustees, Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. and Rev. Dr. Valerie Bridgeman, Chairman of Bethlehem Bible College, Atty. Dr. Jonathan Kuttab and Dean and Professor of Religion and Culture at Howard University School of Divinity, Rev. Dr. Alton Pollard, moderated by SDPC General Secretary, Dr. Iva E. Carruthers.
Jamye Wooten Leave a comment Interviews
Tune in to hear the latest episode of Podcast For a Just World. This week Rev. Dr. Velda Love and Rev. Tracy Howe Wispelwey talk with Jamye Wooten, the creator of #BlackChurchSyllabus and #MLK2BAKER
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Dr. Frederick Douglass Haynes, III talks with Dr. Frank Thomas about everything preaching, i.e. preaching mentors, social justice preaching and church growth, hardest sermon to preach, sermon preparation, preaching texts of terror, and his support for the PhD program in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric.
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Rev. Dr. Heber Brown, III, pastor and co-founder of Baltimore United for Change, speaks to Ari Melber host of The Beat With Ari Melber
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From Jena 6 to Freddie Gray, social media has played an integral part in how we organize and galvanize the masses. #MLK2BAKER: BeyondReActivism, OrganizingForPower examines the role of social media in social justice organizing and raises a couple questions.
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What is desperately needed in the social justice and civil rights communities is a theory of change that addresses the foundational mechanisms of our monetary system that cause social and economic injustice. In response to the civil and social unrest of his day, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. responded, “If a soul lives in darkness […]