African American Legacy Preaching Series

The African American Legacy Preaching Series is more than a collection of interviews; it’s a movement that seeks to revitalize American Christianity by celebrating the extraordinary legacy of African American preaching. The series brings to life the experiences, insights, and wisdom of notable preachers who’ve made a mark on congregations, communities, and society as a whole. These preachers discuss not only the art of preaching but also the complexities of pastoring, leadership, and activism within the context of the African American church.

In the realm of religious discourse, African American preaching stands as an art form and a source of inspiration, capturing the hearts and minds of listeners with its fervor, depth, and rich history. For years, it was often misunderstood and underappreciated. The African American Legacy Preaching Series, an integral component of the PhD Program in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric at Christian Theological Seminary, is on a mission to change that narrative. This video interview series aims to shed light on the history, beauty, depth, power, and genius of black preaching by featuring renowned preachers and leaders who have significantly impacted the pulpit and beyond.



The African American Legacy Preaching Series is closely tied to the core mission of the PhD Program in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric at Christian Theological Seminary. It is dedicated to fostering a preaching renaissance that challenges stereotypical perceptions of African American preaching as emotionalism and buffoonery. Instead, it aims to revive American Christianity in the 21st century by showcasing the intellectual depth, spiritual power, and historical importance of black preaching. Dr. Frank A. Thomas, the Nettie Sweeney and Hugh Th. Miller Professor of Homiletics and Director of the Compelling Preaching Initiative (CPI) at Christian Theological Seminary, envisioned this series as a means to amplify and honor African American preaching through renowned voices, thus inspiring people worldwide to elevate their preaching practice.

Christian Theological Seminary (CTS) is a fully accredited ecumenical seminary located in Indianapolis, IN, open to all, affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Its School of Theology and School of Counseling offer graduate and doctoral degrees, certificates, and lifelong learning programs. More than 30 denominations are represented among CTS faculty and students. Additional information about CTS is available at

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