If Martin Luther King, Jr. is freedom’s dreamer and Ella Baker is freedom’s organizer, then Wyatt Tee Walker is freedom’s architect.
Wyatt Tee Walker and the Politics of Black Religion brings together a distinguished group of scholars to critically engage the complex politics of black religion through the lens of the life, thought, and practice of theologian and civil rights leader, Wyatt Tee Walker. This national symposium—organized by the University of Richmond and co-presented by the University of Virginia’s Religion, Race & Democracy Lab—underscores Walker’s strategic role in the modern black freedom movement as well as his deep engagement in all facets of American life and culture.
To kick-off the three-day event, the Religion, Race & Democracy Lab will host the opening panel “The Politics of Black Religion in the Age of Trump” at the University of Virginia. Moderated by Corey D. B. Walker, Visiting Professor, Jepson School of Leadership Studies and School of Arts & Sciences, University of Richmond, the panel will position Wyatt Tee Walker as a critical lens for examining a number of past and present issues confronting the prospects and possibilities of democracy in America.
Professor Walker will be joined on stage by the following UVA faculty:
- Ashon Crawley, Associate Professor, Religious Studies and African American and African Studies
- Larycia Hawkins, Assistant Professor, Politics and Religious Studies
- Kai Parker, Assistant Professor, Religious Studies
- Jalane Schmidt, Associate Professor, Religious Studies
Learn more about the the University of Richmond’s Dr. and Mrs. Wyatt Tee Walker Collection housed in the Boatwright Memorial Library here.

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