The Legacy Series presents “A Conversation with Rev. Dr. Gina Marcia Stewart,” hosted by Dr. Frank A. Thomas, Director, PhD Program in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric at Christian Theological Seminary.
Rev. Dr. Gina Marcia Stewart, pastor of Christ Missionary Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee, is the epitome of Women’s History Month and all things preaching. This phenomenal preacher explores:
1) How she prepares her sermon (from preparation to delivery)
2) The moment that God used her the most in preaching and the preaching giant that blessed her soul, and
3) Why she enrolled in a PhD program in African American preaching
4) Her Womanist preaching method
Rev. Dr. Stewart is a member of the first cohort of students pursuing the PhD in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric. She is preaching giant that offers insightful exposition on the art, science, and theory of African American Preaching. The Legacy Preaching Series is led by Rev. Dr. Frank A. Thomas at Christian Theological Seminary, in partnership with the PhD Program in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric.

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