In particular, the story of how three Black churches in Philadelphia endured events similar to those afflicting society today can give both solace and hope.

In particular, the story of how three Black churches in Philadelphia endured events similar to those afflicting society today can give both solace and hope.
The Gift of Black Theological Education & Black Church Collaborative continues a series of free Zoom events on Tuesday, Feb. 16, with Dr. Alton B. Pollard III, president of Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, speaking on “The Cries of Our People: A Social Justice History of the Black Church.”
Free event at 7 p.m. EST Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021, features Princeton scholar Dr. Eddie S. Glaude
On Black Lives Matter:A Theological Statement from the Black ChurchesJuneteenth 2020 [COVID] On the occasion of this 155th observance of Juneteenth, the jubilant celebration of the ending of American legal chattel slavery, we, a collective of interdenominational Black pastors and Black theologians representing the prophetic tradition of Black churches in the United States of America, […]
Inasmuch as what is killing black people in this country—be it the racialized realities of a pandemic or racist policing—is about the systemic, structural and cultural realities of white supremacy endemic to the fabric of this country, it is also about much more than that. It is about the collective soul of America.
Racism has long been America’s original sin. Amid a pandemic, now as before, I see Black death everywhere. I am angry and have every right to be.
THE CONCORD BAPTIST CHURCH PARTNERS WITH RIP MEDICAL DEBT TO ERASE MORE THAN 4 MILLION DOLLARS OF MEDICAL DEBT FOR FAMILIES IN BROOKLYN AND NEWARK, NEW JERSEY The Concord Baptist Christfund, established by The Concord Baptist Church of Christ (Brooklyn, NY) in 1988 as a Black faith-powered endowment to uplift Brooklyn and invest in worthy […]
Future generations, scholars, pastors, teachers, students, liberators, and many more will be blessed as we are, by the life and works of Dr. Gayraud Wilmore. He was a scholar, professor, pastor, prophet and friend. Dr. Wilmore is a necessary presence in our liberation paradigm. His influence is practically beyond exaggeration. His writings, voice and presence […]
So, if you choose to watch the stage production JESUS, do so with the correct images in mind.