Poverty and Voting Rights in the Midterm #BlackChurchAgenda

Black Church Center for Justice and Equality


Black Church Center for Justice and Equality

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 09 2018
  • Time: 19:00 - 20:30

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Oct 09 2018


07:00 PM - 08:30 PM

Poverty and Voting Rights in the Midterm #BlackChurchAgenda

As the midterm elections rapidly approach, it is imperative that we are all registered to vote and have plans to mobilize voters to the polls. This November stands to be the most consequential midterm cycle in a generation. Historically, the midterm electorate is older, whiter and more conservative than the electorate in presidential election years. There is power in the Black vote. Our votes will foreground justice, incentivize civility and protect the most vulnerable. All 435 members of the House of Representatives, 35 seats in the 100-member Senate and 36 out of 50 state governors, along with many state and local offices, are on the ballot this November. The future of our democracy depends on our will exert our authority, demand equity, and justice and participate in the voting process.

The Black Church Center for Justice and Equality is hosting its next #BlackChurchAgenda! On October 9th at 7 pm EST, this online town hall aims to resource congregations, people of faith and organizations for the midterm elections. For the benefit of the participants, we will explore issues of poverty, strategies for voter turnout, and the state of voting rights during this 90-minute online experience. Participants will have an opportunity to engage community organizations, political strategists and clergy on ways Black Churches can mobilize voters to the polls on election day. Register here.

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